Our collection of technical books, premium newsletters and directories and buyers guides will help you elevate your industry knowledge and skills.
Market Focus by Sosland Publishing provides executives, purchasing managers and traders with vital daily market coverage. The newsletter includes information on cash and futures grain markets, cash flour and millfeed markets, export wheat and flour business, crop conditions, country movement of grain, basis levels and more. Market Focus by Sosland Publishing also provides regular updates of sweetener and shortening prices and key financial markets.
The Sweetener Report by Sosland Publishing newsletter covers U.S. beet and cane sugar prices and provides in-depth commentary, data and industry news for domestic, North American and global sugar markets, U.S. corn sweeteners and related products. Regular updates on Mexican cane sugar activity, global production and use information and news from private sources and government agencies are included, along with sugar futures prices, comments and charts.
The 2025 Baking & Snack Directory and Buyers Guide is the only combined directory and buyers guide that contains names, locations, key personnel and products for both multiple- and single-unit snack and baked food plants in North America. The buyers guide lists more than 400 categories and 1,000 suppliers of ingredients, equipment and services.
The MEAT + POULTRY RED BOOK is the industry’s most complete and up-todate guide on equipment, product and service categories. The easy-to-use format helps meat and poultry processors quickly locate important supplier contact information throughout the year.
The 2025 North American Grain & Milling Annual offers a complete reference to the North American grain industry, plus a buyer’s guide that covers equipment and service suppliers, product categories and manufacturer’s listings.
The bakery Redbook is a nearly 300-page resource providing industry statistics and plant data for all wholesale baking companies, plants and multi-unit retailers in the U.S. and Canada.
The Pet Food Processing Buyers Guide is a comprehensive resource that covers all segments of the pet food and treat manufacturing industry.
Sosland Publishing's annual Corporate Profiles / State of the Industry Report offers insights into the achievements of the top food and beverage companies, exploring acquisitions, capital expenditures, executive changes and product innovations. This resource also details trends in categories such as baked foods, beverages, dairy, confectionery and meat and poultry.
From product ideation and ingredient technology to packaging materials and design, the two-volume set of Baking Science & Technology covers a variety of topics in a logical and process-minded manner.
Understanding Baking Enzymes by Dr. Lutz Popper provides deep insights into the basics of baking enzymes and their real-world applications in the food industry. Certain to be a reference for bakers and millers around the world, this book summarizes today’s practical knowledge about baking enzymes.
Commissioned by MEAT+POULTRY once every five years, this is the meat and poultry processing industry's only survey of salary, benefits and job satisfaction. This 80-plus page report is packed with data, charts and graphs in a PDF format. As a bonus, the 2020 report includes narratives from respondents about the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses. Hundreds of comments address issues ranging from employee welfare to operational impact, supplier issues and more.