
With an unrivaled dedication to the industries we serve, we take pride in delivering high-quality news to our readers while also supporting our customers’ goals. 


Charles Sosland, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Sosland Publishing
Charles Sosland
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Staci Greco
Chief Financial and Administrative Officer

Joshua L. Sosland, Editor-in-Chief, Milling & Baking News
L. Joshua Sosland
Editor-in-Chief, Food Business News Editor, Milling & Baking News
Meyer Sosland, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Editor, Sosland Publishing
Meyer Sosland
Chief Operating Officer and Executive Editor

Neil Sosland, Executive Editor, Markets, Milling & Baking News
Neil Sosland
Executive Editor, Markets


Charlotte Atchley, editor, Baking & Snack
Charlotte Atchley
Editor, Baking & Snack

Kimberlie Clyma, Editor, Pet Food Processing
Kimberlie Clyma
Editor, Pet Food Processing

Joel Crews, Editor, MEAT+POULTRY
Joel Crews

Arvin Donley, Editor, World Grain
Arvin Donley
Editor, World Grain

Keith Nunes, Editor, Food Business News
Keith Nunes
Editor, Food Business News

John Unrein, Editor, bake, Supermarket Perimeter
John Unrein
Editor, bake, Supermarket Perimeter
Andy Nelson
Managing Editor, Supermarket Perimeter
Kristen Putch, Managing Editor, Dairy Processing
Kristen Putch
Managing Editor, Dairy Processing


Mike Gude, Group Publisher, Baking & Snack, Milling & Baking News and Food Business News
Mike Gude
Group Publisher, Baking & Snack, Milling & Baking News and Food Business News
Bruce Webster, Associate Publisher, Sosland Publishing
Bruce Webster
Publisher, Food Business News

James Boddicker
Publisher, Baking & Snack

Dave Crost
Publisher, MEAT+POULTRY, Pet Food Processing

Troy Ashby, publisher, Supermarket Perimeter and bake
Troy Ashby
Publisher, bake, Supermarket Perimeter

Matt O'Shea, Publisher, Dairy Processing
Matt O'Shea
Publisher, Dairy Processing

Dan Flavin, Publisher, World Grain
Dan Flavin
Publisher, World Grain


Carrie Fluegge
Digital Advertising Manager
Kathi Gilleland, Senior Director of Marketing and Promotions, Sosland Publishing
Kathi Gilleland
Senior Director of Marketing and Promotions
Jon Hall, Director, Digital Media, Sosland Publishing
Jon Hall
Director, Digital Media

Dustin Pickman, Audience Development Manager, Sosland Publishing
Dustin Pickman
Audience Development Director

Elisabeth Spillman
Design Services Manager
Nora Wages, Advertising Manager, Sosland Publishing
Nora Wages
Advertising Manager

Jim White, Promotions Marketing Manager, Sosland Publishing
Jim White
Promotions Marketing Manager
Dana Holt
Directories Manager


Aubrey Powers, Director of Accounting and Human Resources, Sosland Publishing
Aubrey Powers
Director of Accounting and Human Resources
Matt Keeling, IT Manager, Sosland Publishing
Matt Keeling
IT Manager