Participate in the IBIE Innovation Showcase to spotlight your latest products and drive attendees to your booth. Exhibitors can submit entries to feature their innovations, with the compilation promoted before, during and after the show, across all IBIE 2025 media, and displayed near the exhibit halls. Please note that to qualify, innovations must be entirely new and not previously exhibited at any past IBIE show.
Contact a representative
$6,500 (Limited availability)
Promotional Channels
The IBIE Innovation Showcase will be promoted via the following channels:
- Targeted emails announcing the entries prior to the show
- Social media post announcing the entries
- A section on
- Inclusion in the Official 2025 mobile app
- Listing in the Official INSIDE IBIE Pre-Show Guide
- Listing in the IBIE Today Show Dailies each day
- Your Innovation Showcase placard as a full page in the Official IBIE Show Directory
- Poster-size display
- Placard for exhibitor’s booth
- QR code on print ad and posters linked to a URL of the advertiser’s choice
- Inclusion in a post-show email campaign to ensure maximum exposure of your innovation
Contact for information and specs.
$1,000 (30 Available)
Boost your visibility and drive more traffic to your Innovation Showcase at IBIE 2025 with our exclusive New Product Alert. This notification is sent directly to all app users on your chosen date and time (subject to availability). Act quickly—spaces are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Title: Max. 50 characters recommended; otherwise, longer titles will appear with ellipses (…)
Text: Max. 150 characters
File Size: (landscape min. width x height): 300 x 200 pixels | max file size: 1 MB
File Format: png or jpeg
Aspect ratio: Landscape format with a 2:1 ratio (e.g., 1000x500 pixels)
Note: Position key information in or near the middle of the image or as as far as possible from the borders of the image
SmartActions (click-thru)
Select one of the following:
- Exhibitor listing
- Booth location on map
- IBIE session
- External web link (provide URL)