Advertorials 101: Crafting engaging content for food industry audiences

Advertorial Best Practices
Source: Sosland Publishing


An advertorial is a powerful marketing tool that blends the informative nature of editorial content with the persuasive power of advertising. While both advertorials and traditional advertisements aim to promote a brand, the key distinction lies in their approach and execution.

Traditional advertisements rely on overt sales pitches and bold claims, often interrupting the reader’s experience. In contrast, advertorials seamlessly integrate your marketing message into informative and editorial-style content, creating a more natural and engaging experience for the reader.

As a B2B marketer in the food industry, understanding this balance can be a gamechanger for your promotional strategy. To ensure your content will resonate with customers and prospects, be sure and follow these four best practices when developing your advertorial.

Choose the right format

The format of your advertorial should be tailored to your specific goals, target audience and the publication where it will be featured. Consider the preferences and expectations of readers when determining how you will present your content.

Common formats include:

    • Longform articles or features
    • Q&As
    • Product spotlights
    • Case studies
    • Infographics

Write a compelling headline and introduction

The headline and introduction of your advertorial are critical in capturing the reader’s attention and drawing them into your content.

Craft headlines that are informative, intriguing and relevant to your customers. Your headline should grab their attention and naturally invite them to continue reading.

Using a conversational and engaging tone in your introduction will help set the stage for the rest of the advertorial. Avoid using an overly promotional or sales-driven language as this approach tends to turn readers off.

Tell a story

Effective advertorials leverage the power of storytelling to create an emotional and memorable connection with prospects.

Weave a narrative that highlights the unique benefits, features or use cases of your product or service. You can also try incorporating personal anecdotes, customer testimonials or industry insights to bring your message to life.

Leverage visuals

Graphics play a crucial role in making your advertorial visually appealing and engaging. Incorporate high-quality images and infographics to complement your written content and enhance the advertorial’s message.

Getting started

Advertorials are a powerful marketing tool that can help you engage your target audience and build brand awareness.

If you’re ready to learn more about making a lasting impression with advertorials, contact a Sosland Publishing media expert today and discover a new way to engage with the food industry.